Version 1.12.6 add bulk creation of Competitors and Matches

In an effort to improve the user experience of the plugin, a few new wizards have been added.

Bulk creation of Competitors and Matches is available now. As well as a wizard to add Team Players to a team.

As before, the REST API is the foundation for these changes. This API has been extended for this plugin. However, we do not (yet) recommend to build your own code around this as there may be slight changes in the near future.

We would like the enhance the user experience even further by implementing wizards to import matches from file.

Version 1.12.5 is available now

The main enhancement of version 1.12.5 is the improved implementation of the import feature that used to be available when logged in as admin only.

A user that can create a single new Member can now upload multiple Members from a CSV file too. An import wizard (on the ‘Add new Member’ admin page) guides the upload process.

The same holds for Invoice creation. Next to a single Invoice, a user can create a multitude of Invoices by using a wizard on the ‘Add new Invoice’ admin page.


These implementations are based on the REST API that is available in WordPress. The REST API has now been enabled for this plugin too, albeit in a limited way yet.

In the near future, the REST API will become available for Competitions and Matches too. The API will support a smoother creation and editing of Matches and Competitors.

Stay tuned…

New: support for Ladder Competition

Revision 1.12.4 introduces the Ladder Competition format. A Ladder Competition is a popular format used by clubs for internal competitions.

How does a Ladder work?

A new competitor entering the competition starts start at the lowest rung of the ladder. The goal is to climb the ladder and end on top. This is done by challenging a competitor that has a higher position to play a match. When you win a challenge, you can take the (higher) position on the ladder while the loser moves down. When you loose a challenge, the ranking does not change.

What else changed in this revision?

A bug in exporting Competitions has been fixed.

A new feature for the Individual format has been introduced. It is now possible to compute rankings based on the best N results.

New Features in release 1.12.2

Release 1.12.2 is available now and contains a number of small fixes and some new features.

New features

  1. The shortcode to display invoice data has a new parameter. This parameter determines how invoice data is displayed.
  2. For ease of use, the backend provides more information. First, the invoice metabox on a member page provides more data. Next, a category column has been added for Competitions and Competition Groups.

Fixed issues

  1. Solved a reported bug that “Invoice data was shown when no user is logged in”.
  2. Invoices, Competitors, and Team Players are not part of the search results anymore. As a result, when searching for a name, the Member page is returned only.